Saturday, March 5, 2016

Delcres is an ancient earth-like world that shares it solar system with two other planets: Helvenes and Larislens. Its sun is named Lorvanes and it has kept the planets warm for 9 billion years. Delcres has weathered meteorites, ten mass extinctions, thousands of years of firestorms, dimensional eruptions, and alien invasions. At one point, the planet was in serious danger of being completely destroyed and a dedicated, selfless shapeshifter energy being had sacrificed their body to become one with and thus repair the world's core. They are still living today as a pulsating mass of light and life, tirelessly working to keep the planet alive and balanced.

 Delcres has a fairly large moon named Atlevana. Atlevana is actually three moons, torn into pieces by the awesome forces of arcane magic. Sometimes, the separate pieces are described as Atle, Levan, and Ana; other times they are considered three parts of a whole. The endless criss crossing of three  moons around the planet results in multiple dramatic tides throughout the days and a multitude of seasons.

During Delcres' path round Lorvan, around the midway point a a deep winter or xer tirra in the native Belledorean language will set in. This season is followed by mid tirra, fera lirra (spring/summer), xer lirra, fera fura (fire season), and liratira.

the six seasons of delcres: Feralira the age of blossoms and gentle rain, Xerlirea the sunniest period with the longest days, Ferafura, the age of firestorms and crystal eruptions, Liratira the calming period of snow and crisp winds, Xertira, the age of bleak cold and howling wind and Medtira, age of short but warmer days and when fungi rather than plants tends to dominate gardens.

 Every hundred years or so, magical eruptions will occur beneath the worlds surface, and though these are less dramatic thanks to the heart of the world providing balance these eruptions can still delay or reverse the seasons. Thanks to isolated, ongoing eruptions there are places that have either seen the same weather or constantly changing weather for hundreds of years.

Delcres' seasons and weather patterns are more dramatic and numerous than Earth's but nothing compared to what was seen during the Maelstrom or the Days of Fire,  two cataclysmic events which will  be discussed further in future entries.

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